Bosnia and Hercegovina

EMF President Alexandrov: “Our future will be better than our past”

Borislav Aleksandrov
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EMF president Borislav Aleksandrov is leading European minifootball for over a year and now is a good time to down with him to learn about his first year in office and the plans for the future. Before being elected and succeeding former EMF president, Dávid Tibor, Borislav was appointed as CEO of the Bulgarian Minifootball Association in 2017. He became involved with minifootball after a successful football administration career which included FIFA TMS (Transfer Matching System) manager in the Bulgarian Football Union, together with coordination with various UEFA programs and was also appointed as UEFA match delegate.

Borislav has started his managerial international minifootball career in 2017 as Deputy Chairman of the EMF Legal Committee. Later on during the year he was appointed as Head of Disciplinary Committee both in WMF and EMF. A year later he was elected as WMF Executive Committee member and leaded the EMF Champions league as a Tournament Director. In January 2019 EMF convened extraordinary elections and Borislav was elected as a president with a complete majority.

A bit more than a year has passed since you were elected as EMF president, how do you see your first year as leader of European Minifootball?

I can describe it as very challenging, dynamic and exciting. We managed to launch 3 new competitions under the EMF umbrella. EMF EURO Business Cup focused on corporate teams with 24 teams in Antalya was a great success and I would like to congratulate Mr. Cem Durul the event coordinator and Mr. Dávid Tibor the previous EMF president who initiated the project. EMF also started a new minifootball brand at international “A” level EMF Nations Games a series of friendly weekend tournaments with 4 teams per group. Finally, the new club competition and brand EMF EUROCUP which attracted 40 teams to Italy and will definitely be an important part of EMF events portfolio in years to come.

What were the EMF’s accomplishment and steps forward in 2019?

In the first place, I would like to highlight the positive atmosphere, unity, and cooperation among the member associations, which led to prosperous conduction of 3 club level and 1 national competition under the EMF governance. I would emphasize the separation of the Champions League into two competitions – ECL and EUROCUP, which brought substantive perspective for both competitions the champions to compete in the ECL, respectively the runner-ups and highly-ranked teams to go in the EUROCUP. EMF expanded the minifootball geography moving the club competitions from Slovenia to the Italian, Adriatic Sea cost, and giving the opportunity to lots of small, medium-sized towns and cities to explore the amazing atmosphere of hosting international minifootbal event through the EMF Nations Games.       

How will the COVID19 crisis affect the EMF in 2020?

The pandemic of COVID-19 is already affecting not just the minifootball and all sports activities all around the globe, but our daily routines and lifestyle. Due to the outbreak in Europe, we postponed the EMF Business Cup and the status of all the competition until the end of the year is pending, in accordance with the situation in the upcoming months. On the other hand, the minifootball associations can use the time without competition for restructuring and involving new working methods and constructive ideas in their further initiatives. Staying at home gives a new perspectives and opportunities to play from home in online games. Thus will let us engage minifotballers among Europe to be proactive, communicate and contribute to our community. Although the borders are closed now, I would like to encourage everyone to use the technologies available, to work, to engage more, to talk about the common challenges that lie ahead and to interact for a brighter minifootball future.  

Last year EMF made a strategic move of the club events to Italy. What do you hear from your Italian colleagues and what is your message to them?

We are still going forward with preparations for the club competitions in Riccione, Italy, while following strictly the situation. I am in permanent contact with Mr. Gianluca Finazzi and his crew, they are well and working to go duly with the calendar. The upcoming months will show us the direction we have to pursue. People should be aware that we will not conduct any competition if things are not 100% safe. Recently we had a call with our friend Massimo Seghezzi from Sit-in Sport our artificial turf partner who lives in one of the most affected cities Bergamo. He is well and trying to use the time at home to upgrade the business processes of the company and to be even more effective after the crises. He also confirmed the continuity of the barter sponsorship deal between EMF and Sit-in Sport for 2020.

Regardless of the current crisis how do you see the future of Minifootball in Europe?

As I said before, this situation will give the minifootball community fresh impulse and perspectives. Our first priority, our principle, the one we will use for our competitions and encourage everyone to follow is that health comes first. If minifootball manages to have a discussion and common vision where everyone contributes positively and keeps in mind the joint interest over the individual one, I am convinced our future will be better than our past, and we will be better prepared for the times ahead. I would like to use the opportunity to express my gratefulness to my colleagues in the EMF Executive Committee, the General Secretary of EMF Ms. Yulia Krasteva, all the presidents and management of the national association for the oneness in these challenging times. I am sure that minifootball will play a key role to bring people back together when it is safe to play and be with friends, families and beloved ones. The minifootball players are striving to meet up all together into the green field and to enlighten our magical game again. Let’s prepare for that moment in the best possible way, EMF is with you in these tough moments, and together we will win!